The CIS-ACE After-School Program (Communities In Schools After-school Centers on Education) is a free program to all qualifying participants that offers an opportunity for students to receive: homework assistance, academic enrichment lessons, and enrichment activities such as:
Interested Parents/ guardians/ families must complete an ACE Letter Of Interest to be considered; Students with academic, behavior, or attendance needs will be given the highest priority for enrollment in the program; ACE works with LPE staff and administrators for student recruitment and recommendations. ACE is available to LPE students in grades 1st - 5th. Space is limited; Students & families interested in participating will be placed on a waitlist until space becomes available and contacted by the site coordinator.
Contact your ACE Site Coordinator for more information.
Site Coordinator: Cassie Guerra
Program Hours: 3:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.
Office Hours: 10:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Work Cell: 281-904-3661